iPhone 14 and 14 Pro – First Look!

hi every person Aaron below for zollotech and also every.
year apple increases to build a new apple iphone as well as yearly right prior to they do that there'' s. normally launches of various designs so situation suppliers can actually make their.
items around the overall measurements of what apple'' s mosting likely to produce and also so this year'' s
no. exception we'' ve been covering this for several years so we'' ll have a look at the general iphone schedule.
their layouts simply like we did years ago with the 12 mini as well as each and every single year as well as thanks to.
sonny dixon for aiding me obtain my hands on these and also so this year as you can see there'' s 4.
various apples iphone but they'' re various dimensions than formerly similar to lots of people recommended.
it looks like apple will certainly no longer have a mini sized apple iphone so where the iphone 13 mini would certainly.
be the last size last time we had this dimension and as you can see below we have the iphone 14 14.
plus or 14 max the identifying is a little uncertain then the 14 professional and the 14 pro max so no longer.
will certainly we have a mini so we'' ll have essentially two different dimensions with various specifications or different.
video cameras along with possibly as a few other things currently like i stated there'' s 3 various dimensions and it ' s. anticipated to have different display sizes too the apple iphone 14 is expected to have the.
same type of 6.1 inch screen on the front also still have the notch now these versions only.
reveal the audio speaker placement like we had before similar to the years before where they moved it.
with the apple iphone 13 it'' s the very same type of audio speaker positioning now nevertheless when we obtain over to the pro.
designs the speakers in the exact same area however you wear'' t see any electronic camera cut out and that'' s since this is. expected to have a hole strike as well as pill design so we won'' t have that type of cut out but we will.
have a various screen size since of that meaning that the 14 professional design would be from 6.12.
inches rather of 6.06 inches and the iphone 14 professional max would be 6.69 inches rather of 6.68.
inches if the different rumors are correct so very little dimension distinctions you won'' t notice it. yet potentially due to the brand-new design as well as maybe also obtaining those bezels a little thinner now.
the total style is very similar so we'' ll take a look at the plus model we ' ll simply call it that
for. currently and also you can see that it will certainly have an anodized aluminum outside side the switch placement is extremely.
comparable to that of the professional version the existing design which again has that type of glossy.
gloss where it would certainly be stainless-steel nevertheless based on this you can see the power switch.
on the professional max design is somewhat listed below that of the the plus sized iphone 14.

So the button positioning.
could be somewhat different there under you can anticipate the exact same type of ports now with.
the current judgment in the eu or the european union it depends on just how swiftly apple needs to carry out.
this but we could see these with lightning or usbc yet basically considering that they'' ve currently started.
producing these essentially or gotten every little thing ready i would certainly anticipate lightning this.
year with usbc next year but you never recognize what apple will make with that however you can anticipate the.
same type of audio speaker design that we have currently as well as then on the other side it appears like we'' re going. to have a sim card tray currently many individuals stated that the sim card tray was mosting likely to disappear on possibly.
the professional designs yet it'' s difficult to claim is in some cases this is simply a marking to give placement but it'' s. possible that they won ' t have one on the professional max versions button placement is really similar though the.
very same volume up and down buttons with the quiet button above that typically every year apple.
ramps these up for 3 years production and after that they'' ll change the style after that so possibly.
with the apple iphone 15 we'' ll have a various design now with the total sizes like i stated.
they'' re very comparable to what we currently have and apple might return to that plus size naming.
where we had the iphone 6 plus and 6s plus they may incorporate that to claim that this isn'' t. the professional and also it'' s not the max or the cream of the crop yet it'is a bigger size
so it ' s feasible. we would certainly have that size also for a present dimension contrast you can anticipate extremely similar sizes so. if we take a look at the existing 13 professional max it again gives
you the size of the electronic camera however the. electronic camera bump looks even bigger this time about so the dimension of the phone is essentially the exact same. with the exact same thicknesses and also whatever else although this design does feel possibly a little. thicker which could mean more space for points inside but the general video camera bump does appear to be.
a little bit larger where it'' s expected to have a bump in cam resolution with 8k recording on the.
professional models with perhaps a 48 megapixel cam so you would certainly require additional space for that and also this might.
reflect it as previous years didn'' t really reveal these video camera bumps effectively if we have a look. at the prototype design from in 2014 you'' ll see that it didn ' t really show what the bump looked.
like in all but this time around around we can see the bump very clearly so it looks like perhaps they have.
that appropriate this moment around as well as the bad news for that is it would certainly suggest it wouldn'' t fit the present
. instances once more so below'' s a current 13 pro max case if i placed that on it doesn ' t fit correctly around the. electronic camera bump that means that the camera component is growing and also they will certainly need to remanufacture.
brand-new cases so you'' ll have to purchase brand-new situations if you get a new phone this moment around if we take a.
look again finally year'' s you ' ll see that it really fits correctly so there'' s certainly going
. to be a larger electronic camera bump this time around around and also it will certainly look a little different so if you wanted to.
keep your instances well it resembles each and every single year at this moment we'' re going to have to upgrade. those as apple keeps altering the camera bump in enhancement to the rear-facing video camera obtaining a substantial.
upgrade the front-facing camera is also anticipated to get an upgrade currently it'' s a 12-megapixel.
cam nonetheless that'' s said to be obtaining upgraded on all of the different models where instead we.
would certainly have possibly the exact same megapixels however a much larger sensor enabling better low light photo.
as well as video clip or perhaps simply a larger sensor with also better megapixels too so that kind of lineup.
would be terrific to view as i assume apple'' s fallen back a bit on the forward-facing electronic cameras.
contrasted to others the rear-facing cams are definitely the very best when it comes to video clip of.
any kind of cam available when it concerns a phone cam but when it concerns the forward-facing.
electronic camera i would enjoy to see that improved so it'' s been similar for lots of lots of years now it.
would be excellent to have an upgrade currently regarding what the colors may be it appears like the blue.
or sierra blue may be replaced with a purple that'' s been the current report although in 2014.
many thought we'' d have an orange color or type of scorched orange shade that we never ever saw so it'' s. really feasible we might simply have another shade of blue or something else however it would be.
good to see some added shades also now with the non-pro lineup i would expect to.
still have an oled display at very high resolution nonetheless it'' s unclear whether it will have.
professional activity with a 120 hertz display so it will certainly be extremely similar regarding specs aside from perhaps.
that but it'' s feasible we could have a constantly on screen on the 14 professional and also pro max models this is.
based on code that was found in ios 16 it appears but we don'' t recognize that without a doubt as people.
have actually specified that however we don'' t know that'100 that ' s just been reported occasionally on.
different sites so it'' s possible that we could have something such as an always-on display where.
they might ramp the display screen speed up and down possibly one hertz like they do on the watch.
then bring all of it the means up to 120 hertz so it'' s something they do on one’s guard they.
can definitely apply that sort of a variable refresh rate display screen on the 14 professional and also.
professional max now as much as the general layouts like i stated we'' re not going to see a significant change.
year over year but we could see some adjustments to the internals with the 14 professional it'' s expected.
that the pro models will obtain the a16 cpu to ensure that can be called an a16 bionic where the routine.
designs will still have the a15 from in 2014 meaning that it'' s plenty fast yet perhaps more.
ram up to 6 six gigs of ram and also every single among them so it'' s feasible we could have that.
likewise improved 5g and after that when it comes to prices rates might raise somewhat as a result of the present.
economic climate we wear'' t understand that for certain but it'' s possible we can have a minor bump however.
in the past when that'' s been reported it'' s never held true so they'' ve kept rates the exact same.
throughout all of the lineup so hopefully they can do that this time around around regarding the launch.
date of these different models i would expect mid-september however they might divide these up.
once again like they finished with the iphone 12 versions or maybe we had some release in september some in.
october i directly favor that as a customer it makes it much easier for me as well as occasionally simpler for.
people to obtain their hands on them as they'' re type of expanded in time however either way we can.
anticipate them normally in the fall or autumn now the tools can have much better batteries in them if.
they are slightly thicker like i pointed out prior to but that would certainly give added display in a timely manner we.
already have extraordinary screen on schedule with the iphone 13 pro max we could see even much better with.
the 14 pro max if it is without a doubt thicker or the chipset is also smaller sized so maybe we'' ll see that or. we could have similar battery life which i put on'' t think any person'' s grumbling around now.
but that'' s everything regarding the 2022 iphone 14 designs this offers you a general understanding.
of what the electronic cameras will certainly look like the general bumps on the back you'' ll see they ' re relatively thick. on the pros however quite a lot what you expect now with all the different designs from the mini as.
much as the camera module and everything else as well as so that'' s everything for the iphone 14 schedule.
typically these are attractive area on as for the total measurements where the buttons are placed.
and a lot more and also you can expect the comparable type of layout below no differences whatsoever as for.
the total outsides compared to what we have currently essentially and essentially really comparable.
appearances and after that we'' ll have a significant layout change typically after this year with the apple iphone 15 like.
i said earlier but if you have anything else you believe they'' ll adjustment in this i'' d love to listen to
. from you in the remarks below and if you'' re preparation on maybe getting an apple iphone 14 i'' d. love to hear from you there also as well as which dimension you would get or a pro or the plus design or.
whatever they'' re mosting likely to call this allow me understand in the comments listed below if you place'' t subscribed.
already please subscribe as well as if you delighted in the video clip please provide it a like as constantly many thanks for.
seeing this is Aaron i'' ll see you next time.

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